RP Federal Resume Puzzle ®

By Kathryn Troutman, Author, Federal Resume Guidebook, 7th Ed., and Jobseeker Guide, 9th Edition May 17, 2023 In 2019, I taught a Ten Steps to a Federal Job class at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. An officer asked me, “Why is it so complicated to apply for a federal job?” BUILDING CONTENT FOR YOUR FEDERAL RESUME…

USAJOBS Remote Jobs Option

Kathryn Troutman, Publisher, President, Resume Place, Inc. Would You Like a Secure, Remote Job with the U.S. Government? Uncle Sam is offering remote employment across many different professions. You can work from home anywhere in the USA, quit the commute, and receive the amazing benefits given other Federal employees. Baltimore, MD – August 31, 2022…

New Facilitating Career Development Course

Kathryn Troutman, Publisher, President, Resume Place, Inc. Baltimore, MD, July 12, 2022 Facilitating Career Development – New Certification Course Training Course that leads to the GCDF and CCSP Certifications Facilitating Career Development Training – For Your Career and Your Clients This year I decided to get certified to teach a new course, Facilitating Career Development,…

Federal Resume Guidebook Tops in USA

Kathryn Troutman, Publisher, President, Resume Place, Inc. Baltimore, MD, June 15, 2022 Federal Resume Guidebook Tops Charts as #1 Resume Book in USA! Kathryn Troutman’s award-winning guide explains how to write the special type of resume required by the Federal government Baltimore, MD; June 15, 2022 | This week author Kathryn Troutman received some great…